Münchner Unicorns Unicorn

Munich Unicorns

There a quite a few unicorns frolicking about in the Munich startup scene these days, companies that have a valuation…


Plan4Better: Urban Planning Tool for Bike Paths and Sidewalks

How can people in cities be motivated to drive less? Plan4Better has developed software meant to plan cities so that…


Re-Shirt: Temporary Team Shirts

What happens to team shirts that were printed specifically for company events or trade shows? They either end up forgotten…


Gymshare: More Sustainable Use of Sports Resources

As we all know, sharing is caring. And according to Florian Börstler and Björn Jansen, the same applies to sports…


More Efficient Software Development With Unikube

Unikube is kicking off with what they call a “disruptively good” solution. One of the three founders, Hannes Hanusch, lets…


Faircations: Sustainable Travel as the New Normal

To many people, sustainable travel sounds expensive, elite and like it involves a lot of research. The fact that it…

Mavin Guides

Mavin Guides: City Tours Made Easy

To explore a city, you can either do a lot of research or book a guided tour. Or you use…


Finfio: Retirement Planning Software for Finance Avoiders

Finfio’s retirement planning software aims to navigate users planning for old-age through the often deep, dark financial jungle. Founders Uwe…


Cubemos: “Every Security Gap Can Be Avoided”

Occupational safety, IT security, environmental protection – these issues all demand financial and human resources from SMEs in particular. Cubemos…

IAA Mobility

IAA Mobility 2021: The Future of Mobility, Up Close and Personal

From September 7 to 12, the IAA Mobility Conference will be held in Munich for the first time – and…