Bits & Pretzels Healthtech Konferenz

Bits & Pretzels HealthTech: “A Class Reunion for Everyone Who Really Wants to Make a Change”

The Bits & Pretzels HealthTech Conference will be held for the first time on June 29 and 30. During these…


Businettes: Incubator for Early-Stage Female Founders

Is it necessary to approach female founders differently than male founders? To Claire Siegert and Victoria Arnhold, the answer is…

ottobahn GmbH

Munich Startups That Are Promoting Urban Mobility

Regional trains and public transportation are experiencing an all-time high in Germany thanks to the 9-euro ticket. The fact that…

Theresa Hauck Econos


Econos: Investments as Leverage for Sustainability

Invest, but as sustainably as possible – this is the principle to which Econos is committed, a digital investment platform…


Five Success Stories From UnternehmerTUM

One of Munich’s most successful entrepreneurship centers is UnternehmerTUM. We would like to present five Munich startups that not only…

Sandra Westermann

Women in Tech: Sandra Westermann From Superheldin

With Superheldin, Sandra Westermann has developed a job portal that aims to connect family-friendly companies with women in particular, but…


Tinus: Sleeping Aid for Tinnitus Patients

It was through tinnitus patients in their own families that Jaqueline Schaupp and Simon Gresch came up with the idea…


Go Vegan – Munich Startups With Vegan Products

Vegan alternatives to fish, meat, eggs and even chocolate are not only showing up more and more in supermarkets, but…

Sabine Häußermann

Women in Tech: Sabine Häußermann From Visionhealth

Visionhealth sees itself as a pioneer in the field of digital treatment for chronic respiratory diseases. Together with patients, research…


Collect Customer Reviews Online With Gominga

The Munich startup Gominga helps e-commerce retailers and brands manage and analyze reviews from a wide range of online platforms…