
What is Femtech?

Femtech – a term you come across again and again in the startup context. But what exactly does it actually…



What is a fintech startup?

Something to do with finance, right? – If you’ve always wondered what exactly fintech startups do, we have the answers…

Brave Care

Brave Care: Platform for period health

As she was unable to find an alternative to ibuprofen and the like for period pain, Beatriz Fitzner founded her…


Medigital: Automated capacity management for hospitals

How can patient flows in hospitals be managed more efficiently? This is the challenge faced by Medigital, which was founded…


Ryver.ai: Synthetic data for radiology AI

Ryver.ai wants to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate diverse test and training data and thus solve the data…


Locaboo: More efficient management of public buildings

How are multipurpose halls, sports facilities or meeting rooms actually managed? Often still with Excel lists and a lot of…

Barbara Prähofer

Women in Tech: Barbara Prähofer from Exomatter

The search for new materials is difficult for R&D departments, because too often they still have to rely on the…


Sedivention: Novel therapy for obesity

The Munich-based medtech company Sedivention wants to facilitate the treatment of obesity with a new type of catheter – an…


Protegg: Transforming residues into raw materials

Every day, 12,000 tonnes of residues are produced in egg production. The Munich-based startup Protegg is taking on the challenge…

Code Gaia


Code Gaia: Sustainability Management Solution

A new European directive will make sustainability reporting mandatory for many companies – including many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).…