
Servail Is Developing Railway Maintenance Robots

Closure of main routes due to maintenance work – it’s a problem most Munich residents are all too familiar with.…


Djoon: “100,000 Hand-Made Chocolate Truffles”

The Food Startup Inkubator Weihenstephan has already helped quite a few founders turn their ideas into a reality. Take Djoon…


Spacetech: Dcubed, OroraTech and Isar Aerospace Celebrate Success

A successful start to the new year: Several Munich-based spacetech startups were able to celebrate important milestones in January. Dcubed…


StellDirVor Is Digitizing Healthcare with VR, AR and XR

When it comes to digitization in the field of healthcare, there is certainly room for improvement in Germany. Immersive technologies,…

Be Tanics

Be Tanics: Sustainably Packaged Dietary Supplements

More and more startups are committing themselves to fighting plastic waste, be it by avoiding it by using alternative packaging…

Barmer Hub Startup Team

Barmer: “We Support Startups in the Relocation Process of International Newcomers”

From Flixbus to Tado to Wellabe, many startups work with Barmer. The health insurance provider sees itself above all else…

Jahresrückblick 2021 München Herbst


A Look Back at 2021: The Year of Superlatives

What a year! After 2020 turned out to be weaker than initially anticipated due to the start of the corona…


Certivity Helps Engineers Through the Regulation Jungle

Engineers have to observe more than 2,500 regulations when developing a new car, and the different colored turn signals in…


Slush 2021: Finally Meeting Up With People Again

More than 2,000 investors went to Slush in Helsinki in 2019 – which made the event the largest gathering of…


BitsCrunch: “We will be the NFT Ecosystem Guardians”

While NFTs are becoming more and more common – for example in digital arts – the comparably young system is…