Photo: Brave Care

Brave Care: Platform for period health

As she was unable to find an alternative to ibuprofen and the like for period pain, Beatriz Fitzner founded her own period health company. In this interview, she explains which products are already on the market and where Brave Care is heading.

Munich Startup: What does your startup do? What problem do you solve?

Our interview partner and Brave Care founder Beatriz Fitzner (Photo: Brave Care)

Beatriz Fitzner, Brave Care: Brave Care is a platform for period health and has been selling its first product – a period cream for menstrual cramps – since May 2023. We offer health-conscious women an effective and side-effect-free care product for a relaxed period.  Period problems affect 9 out of 10 women every month.

Munich Startup: But that’s nothing out of the box!

Beatriz Fitzner: Yes, it is when it’s without phytohormones or THC.

In search of a side-effect-free alternative

Munich Startup: What’s your founding story?

Beatriz Fitzner: Stopped taking the pill, got period pains. In search of alternatives to ibuprofen and herbal teas that were compatible with everyday life and had no side effects, I looked into naturopathy and made my own period cream in the kitchen. It worked, even for my friends, and Brave Care was born from this.

Munich Startup: What have been your biggest challenges so far?

Beatriz Fitzner: Approval of the product, rocking everyday work and family life.

Munich Startup: Where would you like to be in one year, where would you like to be in five years?

Beatriz Fitzner: In one year: Offer more period health products in the store, build a solid community and raise awareness about period health. Have found a female co-founder! Please email

In five years: First medical device.

More fempreneur energy for Munich

Munich Startup: How have you experienced Munich as a startup location so far?

Beatriz Fitzner: Very poorly as far as the femhealth bubble is concerned. That’s why we want to launch events ourselves, because capital and media presence are very strong in Munich and the topic is super relevant. Apart from that, what we like about Munich is that the events are well organized, LMU and TU are strong driving forces and open to dialogue. But we need more fempreneur energy in Munich!

Munich Startup: Risk or security?

Beatriz Fitzner: Risk.

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Regina Bruckschlögl

Nach eigenen Startup-Erfahrungen blickt sie als Redakteurin von Munich Startup nun aus einer anderen Perspektive auf die Münchner Startup-Szene – und entdeckt dabei jeden Tag, wie vielfältig das Münchner Ökosystem ist. Startup Stories, die erzählt werden wollen!

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