“Feedback from Users and Customers Motivates Me” — How Webmag Founder Christian Wust Works

In our series ‘How They Work,’ startup founders and employees talk about their favorite tools, routines and work methods. This time, we hear from Christian Wust, co-founder of the corporate publishing startup Webmag, about how he organizes his day, the everyday things that bother him and the book that fundamentally changed how he views work.

Munich Startup: What does your morning routine look like?

Christian Wust: Right after I wake up, I do a few minutes of morning exercises, usually just some push ups, and then drink a liter of water. Then I meditate for about a half an hour. And then I have breakfast with my wife before I start working. If one of those elements is missing, the day doesn’t usually go well.

Munich Startup: What is your favorite tool at work? 

Christian Wust: Webmag, of course! We actually work with our own tool quite a lot. For instance, we can simply put together our own landing pages for marketing without having to ask our web designer every time, since he works on bigger projects. We have to do things quite pragmatically here because we have limited resources, want to quickly move in new directions and not get lost in drawn out projects.

Munich Startup: Which three apps are must-haves?

Christian Wust: I can’t do without Trello or Slack. We work from several cities, which means we need a functioning set up for virtual collaboration. In Trello, we organize all of our tasks and projects and share project-based information. In Slack, we communicate directly with each other as if we’re sitting in the same room and talking with each other. As the third app, we use Gist for marketing, especially for communicating with customers.

Christian Wust: “I’m not a big fan of meetings”

Munich Startup: Which Munich event is a must?

Christian Wust: I would highly recommend all of the events by the Munich platform Sidepreneur. The meetups are particularly geared towards side-project founders, but the knowledge that is discussed and the network are interesting for all young companies and founders.

Munich Startup: What book would you recommend?

Christian Wust: A few years ago, the book “Stop Working!” by Anja Förster and Peter Kreuz caused me to fundamentally change how I viewed what I understood as work. I recommend it to anyone, regardless of whether you’re a founder or employee.

Munich Startup: What is your favorite kind of meeting?

Christian Wust: I’m not a big fan of meetings, but in some areas, they make sense. If necessary, then I prefer for them to be in person with a clear objective and as few participants as possible. How long or short the meeting is isn’t that important to me, but rather that something useful comes out of it. If it’s of benefit, that usually justifies the effort.

Disrupting factor: telephone

Munich Startup: What is your biggest stumbling block in daily business?

Christian Wust: Definitely: unexpected calls. They’re often important calls that address or make progress on important matters. Nonetheless, they require a lot of energy, because unstructured calls that aren’t planned as a concrete part of your daily schedule mess up your rhythm. That’s why after umpteen calls, at the end of the day it often feels like you didn’t get anything done, even when the calls were productive.

Munich Startup: What gives you a boost of motivation at work?

Christian Wust: All kinds of feedback from users and customers motivates me. Every time someone lets me know that our platform is of real value, takes work off their shoulders or that they are excited about the results, that encourages me to keep working. With a do it yourself platform in B2B, that is a critical point: If people spend their valuable time working with your tool, then you know it creates real value. That motivates me to optimize the platform, increase its benefits for customers and support even more individuals and companies in digital communication.

Munich Startup: How do you end your workday?

Christian Wust: Unfortunately, that rarely happens deliberately. If no one reminds me, I often don’t realize that it’s already much too late. When working at home, it’s usually our cats that let me know they’d like to have dinner.

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