© Loewi

Loewi Offers Performance Optimization for Athletes

The eHealth startup Loewi wants to help athletes optimize their performance for training and competitions. Using a blood test and their detailed medical history, the company can determine an athlete’s optimization potential and provide personalized dietary recommendations. The athlete’s analysis results and progress are presented on a web platform.

1. Who are you and what do you do? Please briefly introduce your product / service!

We are Loewi, a scientific spin-off from the Technical University of Munich. Loewi’s evidence-based health concept provides the highest level of data-driven personalization – from the analysis of biomarkers to highly personalized nutrient combinations and dietary recommendations. Loewi’s customers include Olympic athletes and Europa League soccer teams.

Loewi: Four perspectives – one common vision

The four founders of Loewi met in the communities of the Technical University of Munich and UnternehmerTUM. Loewi is basically the result of four of the most varied perspectives and skills united by one common vision – making the personalized promotion of health available to everyone.

Johnnes Scherr, one of the leading figures in sports and preventive medicine in Germany, establishes the scientific validity of Loewi’s product following twelve years of experience as an Olympic doctor. Philipp Merk was a colleague from the very beginning at Lilium Aviation and implements his scientific expertise as a data scientist in the form of algorithms. Calvin Devereux is a third-generation computer scientist and grew up speaking three languages: German, English and Python. And Adrian Kapsalis, with his various positions in marketing and sales at Ferrari, brings with him the “customer obsession” needed to establish Loewi in the market over the long term.

2. But that’s nothing out of the box!

Of course blood tests, a healthy diet and nutritional supplements are nothing new. The combination of these elements into one concept, however, provides an unprecedented level of personalization and quality.

3. What are the three main ingredients in your recipe for success?

Diversity, science and commitment!

4. Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: How is business going?

Since our launch in February, we’ve achieved six-digit sales figures, moved into our new office near the Olympic Park, have expanded the team and had an unbelievable amount of fun doing so. In short: Things are going great!

“A world-class level of know-how and talent”

5. What does Munich mean to you?

Where should we even start? UnternehmerTUM provides unique opportunities for finding competent and motivated employees with initiatives like Manage&More. The business family in Munich sticks together and supports each other wherever possible. Moreover, the local universities provide a world-class level of research, know-how and talent. On a personal level, we also only have words of praise for Munich. Munich has the perfect combination of city and nature and has been home to the founders for many years.

6. How will your startup become the next unicorn? Or will we be seeing you at an Epic Fail Night soon?

Personalized health and nutrition is the future. Motivation and commitment take care of the rest.

7. Hiking or beer garden?

Our algorithm recommends hiking!

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Sandra Ohse

Sandra Ohse hat bisher als Redakteurin für eine bekannte Computer-Zeitschrift über die neuesten technischen Innovationen berichtet. Nun freut sie sich darauf, in die Welt der Startups einzutauchen, kreative Köpfe kennenzulernen und sie auf ihrem Weg redaktionell zu begleiten.

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