© Mymary

Mymary Helps Find Babysitters and Nannies

The Munich startup Mymary finds competent babysitters and nannies on a mini-job basis and also as a part-time or full-time position. For the project, the three partners united their expertise in the fields of education, medicine and computer science.

1. Who are you and what do you do?

Mymary finds the best babysitters in next to no time for today, tomorrow or next week – whenever and wherever you need them. Completely flexible. Includes insurance. Tax deductible. It’s the perfect childcare solution for flexible, sporadic needs, short-term emergencies or regular appointments.

The team includes partners Franz Pfister, Odilo Hildebrandt and Jennifer Roscher. Franz Pfister, a doctor of medicine and data scientist with an MBA, supports the team as the chairman of its strategic business focus. Odilo Hildebrandt, graduate computer scientist and senior developer at process mining company Celonis, is Mymary’s developer. The team is completed by Jennifer Roscher. As founder of the company “Kids all around,” she already has experience helping others find babysitters, tutors, housekeepers and personal assistants. She now manages the Mymary portal as its CEO.

A portal for childcare

2. But that’s nothing out of the box!

No it hasn’t, because no portal exists that has been designed and developed by its founders so precisely and “by hand” than Mymary. It is a portal for our customers who need childcare. Its counterpart is our pool of babysitters, which is very important to us. They are very highly trained and complete a long application process, but also know they always have a reliable person to turn to at Mymary who will take care of any matter that might come up. And, of course, it is all of the highest quality. Every day, we make ideal matches between families and babysitters. We don’t have any classic subscription traps, but instead deliver what we have to offer with service, availability and quality.

3. What has been your biggest challenge so far?

Developing the platform to its current state, and also developing our various business cases.

4. Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: How is business going?

After long-term testing and further expansion, we’re getting closer and closer to our goal – especially with expansion in the field of B2B. We now register more than 500 bookings each month and can be found in five German cities.

5. What does Munich mean to you?

We have fantastic customers in Munich and outstanding support from everyone.

6. How will your startup become the next unicorn? Or will we be seeing you at an Epic Fail Night soon?

Wait and see – we’re just getting started. We’re going to revolutionize the childcare industry following the motto “Scale, scale, scale.”

7. Isar or English Garden?

We’re lying by the Isar in the English Garden…

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Sandra Ohse

Sandra Ohse hat bisher als Redakteurin für eine bekannte Computer-Zeitschrift über die neuesten technischen Innovationen berichtet. Nun freut sie sich darauf, in die Welt der Startups einzutauchen, kreative Köpfe kennenzulernen und sie auf ihrem Weg redaktionell zu begleiten.

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