Mindshine: Mental Training with an App

The Munich startup Mindshine is on trend with its idea. The four founders developed an app meant to serve as a ‘personal trainer’ for the mind. How that mental training works? That’s something explained by founder Stephan Hauner in his answers to our seven questions.

1. Who are you and what do you do?

We’re Joachim, David, De Long and me, Stephan, from Mindshine.
Mindshine is a personal training app for the mind. In short sessions, users can rid themselves of negative and obstructive thought patterns and learn new routines to be able to thrive and be fulfilled in today’s fast-paced world. We offer personalized training plans to do just that. They have names like “positive intelligence,” “time master,” “simply relax” or “laser focus”. You might call it “Freeletics for your mind.”

We’re often compared to mindfulness or meditation apps. The difference is that we offer a long-term effect. So other apps have a superficial effect, but we get to the root of it all — down to thought and behavioral patterns. That doesn’t mean mediating is bad. We also meditate on a regular basis. But that’s just one of many building blocks.

Mindshine: active mental training for the user

2. But that’s already been done!

Mental training has been around for centuries and originates from spirituality, which goes back much further. Based on twenty cumulative years of coaching experience, we curate the latest scientific findings and success secrets of competitive athletes, top entrepreneurs and spiritual teachers. We then “translate” it all into short, effective training sessions.


Most tools for personal growth concentrate on imparting knowledge. With Mindshine, the focus is on active use. There might be something similar out there. However, what’s important to us is to reach as many people as possible with our training. And to help them become successful and fulfilled.

3. What was your biggest challenge so far?

We face challenges every single day. One of the things we’re most proud of, however, is our content and the process behind it. From researching to creative writing and all the way to professional production of audio content in German and English, we’ve developed well-oiled content machinery. Getting there was difficult, though. None of us had any relevant previous experience.

4. Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: How is business going?

We just launched the app. We’d be happy to have you ask us again in a year! Up to now though, it all feels right and good.

5. What does Munich mean to you?

Munich offers the perfect combination of startup infrastructure and recreational value. Being able to reach five amazing lakes and the mountains within an hour is just awesome. Furthermore, the startup scene is totally open and supportive. And our office is kitty-corner from the Theresienwiese, which is unbeatable for the Oktoberfest…

The path to becoming a unicorn: hard work and positive thinking

6. How will your startup become the next unicorn? Or will we be seeing you at an Epic Fail Night soon?

With a combination of honest, hard work and lots of positive thinking — you know, Mindshine! And even if it doesn’t become a commercial success, we’ve all learned so much and were able to live out our passion. It was already worth it just for that.

7. Beer or Prosecco?

A Giesinger beer here, a Tegernseer beer there, and every now and then an Augustiner beer.

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