The founding team of Sqior Medical (from left to right): Sven Floßmann, Matthias Eimer, Nils Frielinghaus and Philipp Wolf
Foto: Sqior Medical

Sqior Medical: Digitization for Hospital Operation

Sqior Medical is developing a smartphone-based assistance system that provides physicians with information, simplifies clinical tasks and automates administrative processes. In our interview, the founders explain how the system works exactly and where the startup sees itself in five years.

Munich Startup: What does your startup do? What problem are you solving? 

Sqior Medical: We’re developing smartphone-based digital assistance systems that support hospital staff in their work in order to give patients more efficient and improved treatment. 

Our current focus is on the surgical field and the perioperative process. In order for patients to receive the best possible surgical care, it’s necessary for a wide variety of professional groups, departments and individuals to work together perfectly. This is where our software helps. Information from different sources is pooled and updated so everyone can immediately see where patients are located as well as the process step they’re currently in. If changes are made, our assistance system actively supports communication among colleagues and tasks are assigned automatically. This saves time for everyone involved by reducing the need to ask questions and search for information. This means that scarce resources like personnel, operating rooms and expensive medical technology can be used much more effectively. 

Potential for digitalization in hospitals 

Munich Startup: But that’s nothing out of the box! 

Sqior Medical: You would think so, but it is. We spent a lot of time in operating rooms all over the world in recent years and the degree of digitization there is unfortunately lagging far behind when compared to the professional and private realms. We’ve stepped up to close the existing gap between the requirements of the mobile and fast working world in hospitals and the existing healthcare IT systems. The feedback from our first users has confirmed that we are on the right track. 

Munich Startup: What’s your founding story? 

Sqior Medical: We’re a team of four in different roles with a total of 60 years of experience in the medical technology industry and have been involved in the biggest digitization projects in hospitals around the world. We believe there is enormous potential in the digitization and automation of everyday clinical practice as long as it focuses on clinicians and patients. 

Munich Startup: What have been your biggest challenges so far? 

Sqior Medical: After just a short time, many hospitals had approached us about our solution, so compared to other startups, we haven’t had any problem finding new customers. 

Due to how many people are involved – depending on the hospital, that could mean several hundred individuals – the tight timing and the diverse professional backgrounds of each person, the surgical process is one of the most complex pieces of choreography within a hospital. 

Mapping the entire process in software that is very easy for all users to operate was one of our biggest challenges. This is where our experience definitely helped! 

“In five years, smartphone-based assistance systems will be an integral part of the daily hospital routine” 

Munich Startup: Where would you like to be in one year, and where in five years? 

Sqior Medical: In one year, we want to have several use cases in hospital operation and, above all, have satisfied users. The proximity to clinicians is a central component of our DNA. 

And in five years’ time, smartphone-based assistance systems will be an integral part of the daily hospital routine – connecting employees, IT systems and medical devices. We want to play a central role in that and offer the best solution. 

Munich Startup: How have you experienced Munich as a startup location so far? 

Sqior Medical: Munich offers a unique ecosystem for startups with lots of great events and funding opportunities. And the solidarity and openness among startups here never ceases to amaze us. 

Munich Startup: Quick exit or staying power? 

Sqior Medical: We want to develop our vision quickly and sustainably improve patient care with our solutions. You need a lot of staying power for that. 

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Regina Bruckschlögl

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