Five Success Stories From the LMU EC

At the end of last year, the LMU Entrepreneurship Center (LMU EC) stopped its operations. Its successor, the LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (LMU IEC), has now taken its place. We look back and showcase five of the most successful Munich-based alumni from the program.

happybrush bei DHDL
Happybrush: Thanks to their appearance on the Vox startup show “Die Höhle der Löwen,” the Happybrush founders Florian Kiener and Stefan Walter became famous across Germany overnight. The startup from the LMU EC sells various oral hygiene products and is focusing on sustainability in their development. For instance, the Munich startup’s portfolio includes vegan toothpaste in recycled packaging and a climate-neutral electric toothbrush. With their concept, they not only won over two investors on the show, Ralf Dümmel and Carsten Maschmeyer, in 2017. In their Series A funding round in April 2021, they got additional investors on board. It was then that Happybrush also announced that they had already sold more than five million products. (Photo: VOX / Bernd-Michael Maurer.)
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