Munich Startup Products in Everyday Life

Munich startups have a reputation for developing complex deeptech applications that end customers are not often aware of. And quite often, that’s exactly true. But there are also a lot of Munich startups that offer innovative products for consumers. We’ve put together some nice examples – including information about where you can buy the startup products.

Das Gründerteam von Air Up
Most people probably already know about the water bottles from Air Up from ads or friends. The concept is ingenious: Pure tap water is flavored with what are known as flavor pods while you drink. The desired flavor is added to the water by the scent of the pod. With the concept, Air Up has already raised more than 60 million euros from various investors, including Pepsi. The bottles, pods and additional startup products by Air Up are easy to find in stores and can also be purchased on the website of the Munich-based company. (Photo: Air Up)
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