Five Successful SCE Alumni

Five well-known Munich startups that were supported by the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), the entrepreneurship center of Hochschule München.

Toposens is developing sensor systems and software that make it possible for autonomous technologies to perceive their surroundings three-dimensionally and interact with them. The startup was founded by Alexander Rudoy, Aldo Persichini and Tobias Bahnemann. In a talk with Munich Startup, the three commented on their time at the SCE: “Specifically, the initial support from the SCE and the provision of office space at the startup center helped Toposens along.” And there’s more, because the three of them even met at an SCE event. Bahnemann was looking for a job and had arranged to meet someone at the pitch evening held at the SCE’s Innovation Café when Rudoy and Persichini were on the stage and announced that they needed support in business management. “The startup scene had always fascinated me, and Toposens gives me the opportunity to work with a real product, not just with software,” explained Bahnemann when asked about what motivated him to apply. Toposens, which was able to complete its last funding round in May 2020, can now put forward a company valuation between seven and ten million euros according to Munich Startup Insights. (Photo: Toposens)
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Regina Bruckschlögl

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