Smartlane founder Monja Mühling.
photo: Monja Mühling

Women in Tech: Monja Mühling From Smartlane

Smartlane is developing AI-based software to automate and optimize transportation planning. Founded in 2015, the startup uses their software solution to collect and utilize “smart mobility data” to make dynamic order and route management possible. The three founders Monja Mühling, Mathias Baur and Florian Schimandl are the people behind Smartlane. In our interview with Monja Mühling, we wanted to learn more about what motivated her to start a company and in which industry she would invest in the future.

Munich Startup: What motivated you to found a company?

Monja Mühling: I always wanted to play a decisive role in my professional life and change something tangibly with my own ideas. The greatest incentive to me is seeing that my work has a direct impact on the success of the company – and that it can also eventually have an impact on the global economy. That wouldn’t be possible as an employee in a large corporation. This made founding a company the perfect framework.

Munich Startup: What do you now wish you had known before founding your first company?

Monja Mühling: There are lots of things that a founder has no way of knowing at the outset. Which is why it’s always of great value to work with experienced partners and learn from them.

Venture capital since 2016

Munich Startup: How have you funded your company so far?

Monja Mühling: After founding the company, we went through a bootstrapping stage and kept our heads above water with software development projects. We’ve been funded with venture capital since 2016.

Munich Startup: When and where do you have the best ideas?

Monja Mühling: At my desk in the morning.

Munich Startup: What are your three favorite work tools?

Monja Mühling:, Slack and ClickUp.

Less is more

Munich Startup: What is your top tip for pitching?

Monja Mühling: Less is more and simple is better than complicated – especially for deep-tech companies. The story should be short, precise and easy to understand – and you should have your pitch down pat from start to finish.

Munich Startup: Do you think now is a good time to start a company? Why?

Monja Mühling: It’s always a good time to start a company. If you intend to start a company, then you should do it, because as soon as you have that entrepreneurial concept in your head, you should give it a try. Having the courage to try it out isn’t determined by a phase or general circumstances. At the very least, founding a company gives you the opportunity to actively shape the future.

The backbone of many aspects of life

Munich Startup: What technology or industry would you bank on when founding your next startup?

Monja Mühling: I think the interplay between software and logistics will continue to be worthwhile. Both are trendsetting – in terms of technology and market development. The logistics industry is a very important industry. It is the backbone of many aspects of life. The market is extremely dynamic, adaptable and increasingly marked by changes that I can actively shape.

Munich Startup: What do you think could still use some improvement in Munich as a startup location?

Monja Mühling: For B2B startups, Munich is the right place to found a company. Support is available – and that includes universities. Munich has a positive ecosystem in this respect. There’s a good network, lots of programs and excellent links with the economy.

Munich Startup: What founder would you like to meet in person some day? And what would you ask them?

Monja Mühling: I exchange ideas about various topics and best practices with different founders and find this kind of networking extremely valuable.

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