
Munich Unicorns

There a quite a few unicorns frolicking about in the Munich startup scene these days, companies that have a valuation of more than one billion dollars. Munich is also home to Germany’s first ‘decacorn.’

Agile Robots AG
Agile Robots: In a Series C round in September, the Munich robotics startup Agile Robots not only raised 186 million euros, but also achieved unicorn status. With a current company valuation of 909 million euros, Agile Robots has crossed the one billion dollar threshold and is now in the circle of Munich unicorns. Agile Robots was founded in 2018 and has its headquarters in Munich and Beijing. The spin-off of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) independently developed software and hardware products in the field of robotics and put them on the market, including an operating system for the coordination of robots and component parts. (Photo: Agile Robots)
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Regina Bruckschlögl

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