
Munich Unicorns

There a quite a few unicorns frolicking about in the Munich startup scene these days, companies that have a valuation of more than one billion dollars. Munich is also home to Germany’s first ‘decacorn.’

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Sono Motors: By taking the leap to Nasdaq, the American tech stock market, in November this year, Sono Motors was able to increase its company value and reach unicorn status. According to Munich Startup Insights, the current valuation of the company is 1.7 billion euros. The production launch of the Sion, the first electric car model by the Munich company, has already had to be postponed several times. Sono Motors is now planning for a launch date in 2023. The plan is to produce the Sion in a Saab factory in the Swedish city Trollhättan, which will be run by the National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS) starting in 2023. (Photo: Sono Motors)
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Regina Bruckschlögl

Nach eigenen Startup-Erfahrungen blickt sie als Redakteurin von Munich Startup nun aus einer anderen Perspektive auf die Münchner Startup-Szene – und entdeckt dabei jeden Tag, wie vielfältig das Münchner Ökosystem ist. Startup Stories, die erzählt werden wollen!

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