photo: Cubemos

Cubemos: “Every Security Gap Can Be Avoided”

Occupational safety, IT security, environmental protection – these issues all demand financial and human resources from SMEs in particular. Cubemos wants to change that. The Munich startup has developed software that digitizes audits and certifications. The three founders Patrick Bilic, Andreas Franz and Christopher Scheubel tell us more about how that works in our interview.

Munich Startup: Who are you and what do you do? Please introduce yourselves!

Cubemos: We are Patrick Bilic (32), Andreas Franz (45) and Christopher Scheubel (35). We digitize legally binding directives such as occupational safety, IT security, environmental protection and money laundering, and ensure their implementation. We’re a CDTM startup – that’s where we met and also forms our common basis of values.

Munich Startup: What problem does your startup solve?

Cubemos: For many companies, it’s unclear which legal obligations must be complied with and whether they are actually complied with. Take the example of occupational safety. Non-compliance not only leads to unnecessary risks for employees, but also to liability issues for a company in the event of a claim. With Cubemos, it’s possible for companies to not only comply with legal obligations with just a few clicks, but to also sustainably improve their businesses. That is because every work-related accident and security gap can be avoided, and this is just one example among many.

Meet legal requirements with a digital solution

Munich Startup: But that’s nothing out of the box!

Cubemos: That’s true, but it hasn’t been digitized yet. At the moment, the processes are entirely manual or are partially digitized, at best. That is a lot of work for companies, work that is highly susceptible to error, and companies aren’t able to improve. That’s why we’re offering a digital solution that is both more efficient and more effective. With a digital solution, we can put all companies, including small-scale SMEs, in a position to meet all legal requirements and to find out how they can optimize their directives.

Munich Startup: Was there a point when you nearly failed?

Cubemos: There are major challenges every day, because we’re working on a very important topic. As is typical for SaaS products, that includes winning over customers before the product can fulfill all of their requirements, working closely with customers to include their requirements in product development, scaling sales at the right time, and much more. Each of these steps brings its own stumbling blocks where we’ve made mistakes. But we also have a significant advantage: We’re an experienced and well-balanced team. That has allowed us to learn quickly from our mistakes and to set the course for the next stage of growth for Cubemos.

Munich Startup: Where would you like to be in one year, and where in five years?

Cubemos: In one year, we would like to have crossed the threshold of 200+ customers and to tackle internationalization in Europe. Our goal in five years is to be the solution for legal provisions and in-house processes (SOPs – Standard Operating Procedures). We’ll cover the topics of occupational safety, compliance and sustainability. We’ll perform our own audits and issue certificates for these major topics. That will make us the company that other companies can work with for sustainable economic success.

“We’re building a global company”

Munich Startup: What do you think about Munich as a startup location?

Cubemos: We really like Munich as a location! The environment provided by CDTM and the Munich universities offers so many opportunities for entrepreneurs. Munich offers an extremely high quality of living and attracts many highly skilled employees. They’re exactly who we need for Cubemos.

Munich Startup: Quick exit or staying power?

Cubemos: We’re building a global company. We have the opportunity to reshape the market for occupational safety. That will certainly take some time.

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Regina Bruckschlögl

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