#CoronaUpdate with Knister Grill: “The Entire Product Hardly Makes Any Sense Right Now”

Knister Grill developed a compact barbecue grill that is optimized for being transported on a bike. It’s the perfect piece of equipment for a barbecue by the river or a nearby lake — or it was, at least, until the lockdown came and meeting up with friends was banned from one day to the next. Founder and CEO Carolin Kunert tells us how the startup still managed to overcome the initial corona shock in our #CoronaUpdate.

The corona crisis has hit some harder than others: In previous #CoronaUpdates, Matthias Mehner from Messengerpeople and Florian Biller from Capmo reported that their startups have coped with the new situation quite well. But how does a startup deal with the crisis whose product was designed for an activity that will remain banned for the foreseeable future?

Knister Grill: “We had a little ace up our sleeve”

The sudden outbreak of the corona crisis roughly two months ago came right as springtime began. The first days with beautiful weather and everyone heading outdoors is just about the perfect time to buy a portable grill for inviting evenings in the city — if only going outdoors wasn’t prohibited and the stores were still open. To top it off, the first financing round for the company was planned right at the time the stock market crashed.

That basically created a catastrophic situation for a young company that has already proved there’s a market for their product with their crowdfunding campaign.

Founder and CEO Carolin Kunert shares how Knister Grill still managed to quickly adapt to the difficult situation and the ace the startup had up their sleeve in our #CoronaUpdate:

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