#CoronaUpdate with Capmo: “The Mood in the Team is Super Despite Corona”

How is the corona crisis impacting life in the startup scene? In our video series #CoronaUpdate, Munich startups let us know about their current situation in light of the virus. This time, we hear from Florian Biller, CEO and co-founder of Capmo, about how his construction startup has adapted to the crisis.

Capmo is working on digitizing the construction industry. According to the startup, it is Europe’s second most undigitized sector of all after the hunting and fishing industries,. The Munich company has developed an SaaS solution that can be used to manage all of the processes involved in construction projects.

Although the construction industry has not been as hard hit by the corona crisis as other areas, the pandemic has naturally confronted construction companies with major challenges.

Florian Biller, CEO and co-founder of Capmo, shares how his startup has been dealing with the corona crisis so far:

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