Box ID: Smart Tracking of Containers and more

Box ID Systems is a Munich-based startup that has launched an intelligent tracking system logistics assets via a platform. The IoT-Startup controls its processes from the Gate startup center and has already several global players as clients. One of the three co-founders, Shawn Silberhorn, head of operations, answered our questions.

Munich Startup: Who are you and what do you do? 

Shawn Silberhorn: We are a team of new technology inspired professionals with various backgrounds in Technology Sales, Marketing, Development, and New Ventures. The co-founders are Wolfgang Vogl (41), Dominik Buchinger (26), and me, Shawn Silberhorn (45).  We have known each other personally for many years but only recently got together professionally to start our company Box ID Systems in 2018. 

Box ID Systems develops and offers end-to-end solutions that cost effectively track millions of logistics assets digitally throughout industrial supply chain across Europe – including site-to-site, on-premises and indoor buildings. Industrial and Automotive production customers benefit from making their logistics processes more efficient, cost optimized, with 100% transparency within their critical processes. 

The three Box ID founders (from left to right): Wolfgang Vogl, Dominik Buchinger und Shawn Silberhorn.

Our system offers a complete solution with a specialized software platform, sensorik tracking devices and efficient data-, device- and user-management. It also includes performance metrics to support automation and process optimization. 

Box ID Systems: Specifically developed to work “out of the box”

Munich Startup: But that’s nothing out of the box! 

Shawn Silberhorn: We are actually tracking the “box”. And the system has been specifically developed to work “out of the box” to help our customers easily track and manage hundreds of thousands of reusable containers, load-carries, and specialize assets.

We help our customers reduce costs and avoid disruptions in the supply chain by greatly reducing loss, managing availability/shortages, and providing valuable new data driven insights to support process mining, optimization, and automation. 

Our customers get an “out of the box experience” with a complete birds-eyes view of all tracked assets across Europe, including detailed location data digitally linked to real-world critical processes within the supply chain.

Birds-eyes view of all tracked assets

Munich Startup: What are the three main ingredients in your recipe for success?

Shawn Silberhorn: The main ingredients for our success are deep IIoT technology knowledge, very close co-development cooperation with our partners, and a strong trusting relationship with our customers.

Munich Startup: Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: How is business going?

Shawn Silberhorn: Our business is going very well! And we are happy to meet new potential investors and introduce our company properly.

Munich: Industrial center of innovation

Munich Startup: What does Munich mean to you?

Shawn Silberhorn: Munich means for us an industrial center of innovation, international talented people to work with, and a powerful network of professional industrial partners.

Munich Startup: How will your startup become the next unicorn?

Shawn Silberhorn: Unicorn status will be reached when we successfully connect and track over 15 million supply chain logistics assets throughout Europe and across the World.

Munich Startup: Hiking or beer garden? 

Shawn Silberhorn: Fun for us means taking a nice long hike on a wonderful day to find a cold drink at a “zünftig’n” beer garden.

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Helen Duran

Als Redakteurin ist die Wirtschaftsgeografin Helen Duran seit 2015 für Euch in der hiesigen Gründerszene unterwegs. Sie ist neugierig auf Eure spannenden Startup-Geschichten!

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