Among others, present at the 12th batch of Techfounders: the Munich-based startup Ebenbuild.
© Ebenbuild

Ebenbuild: Precise Protocols for Optimal Ventilation Therapy

A ventilator can save lives. Which is why precise adjustment to each individual patient is so important. That is exactly what the Munich startup Ebenbuild is working on.

Who are you and what do you do?

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Virtual model of the lungs. (Credits: Ebenbuild)

Until now, mechanical ventilation for patients suffering from acute respiratory failure has been set manually on the ventilator based on parameters that are often far from specific, such as body weight. It has been verified that this leads to the high mortality rate of nearly 40 percent in this type of emergency situation. We want to change that. Our software uses computed tomography (CT) images and machine learning to create a virtual model of each patient’s lungs. That makes it possible to provide an automated, personalized and precise protocol for optimal ventilation therapy. We want to offer the whole package as a clinically integrated Software-as-a-Service solution. Our simulation methods can also be effectively used in other areas: For instance, they can be used to create personalized protocols for treating acute respiratory diseases and to optimize pharmaceutical products and medical devices.

We — Kei (33), Jonas (35), Karl-Robert (32) and Wolfgang (55) — met while working on our doctoral degrees in Wolfgang’s department. After completing our degrees, we first went our separate ways and then ended up coming back together to start Ebenbuild.

The first round of financing was a real challenge

But that’s already been done!

No, it actually hasn’t been done yet. There’s no other technology that comes even close to making similar protocols for the lungs.

What was your biggest challenge so far?

Scaring up the first round of financing for our idea was not that easy. We were only approved for the EXIST Transfer of Research Grant after our third attempt.

Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: How is business going?

The grant has now fortunately put us in a situation that allows us to develop our product for the next year and a half, conduct our first clinical studies and start the approval process.

At the same time, we want to use our technology to help medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers accelerate and digitize their research and development processes. We’re currently negotiating with our first customer who is willing to pay.

What does Munich mean to you?

What we appreciate is the active startup scene in Munich and the spirit of optimism and the readiness to found companies right now. On a personal level, we also like the beer garden culture and the diverse range of recreational options Munich offers.

“A long way to go with lots of work ahead of us”

How will your startup become the next unicorn? Or will we be seeing you at an Epic Fail Night soon?

You know, those mythical creatures are known to be quite shy animals, and are particularly rare here in Germany. We hope, of course, that will change soon. But seriously, because we’re in the healthcare sector, it will unfortunately still take a while until we’ll be allowed to unleash our product on patients. We’re all quite optimistic right now, but we still have a long way with lots of work ahead of us.

Isar or English Garden?

Why one or the other? Lounging and having a barbecue in the English Garden near the Isar and then jumping in works really well.

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Regina Bruckschlögl

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