© Munich Startup / Robert Pupeter

CATCHYS: A Triumph with the 2nd Munich Startup Award

CATCHYS is the winner of the second Munich Startup Award, presented by the Deputy Mayor and head of the Wiesn Josef Schmid at the Oktoberfest. The prize carries a value of 5,000 euros.

CATCHYS successfully triumphed over 700 competitors with their pitch at Bits & Pretzels. For the second time now, the best Munich-based company has been distinguished with the Munich Startup Award.

Presentation at the Oktoberfest

During the networking meeting for Bits & Pretzels’ participants at the Oktoberfest, the head of the Department of Labor and Economy, Deputy Mayor Josef Schmid, presented the second “Munich Startup Award” in the Schottenhamel Tent.

Deputy Mayor Josef Schmid:

“The Munich Startup Award gives us the opportunity to promote an exceptional Munich-based young enterprise. Hard-working startups and their innovative energy enrich our city – and that should be rewarded.”

In addition to receiving the accolade, the winning team is also awarded prize money amounting to 5,000 euros, which is donated by Munich Startup, a project of MGH – the Münchner Gewerbehof- und Technologiezentrum GmbH.

A persuasive pitch and innovative idea impressed the jury

Gabriele Böhmer, Chief Editor of Munich Startup and member of the jury, shared her enthusiasm for the winning startup:

“CATCHYS completely won us over with their innovative idea. I am so pleased to be able to give the second ‘Munich Startup Award’ to such an outstanding Munich-based startup with so much potential.”

The Munich Startup Award aims to raise awareness of the innovative power contributed by Munich startups.

The winner of the 2nd Munich Startup Award

Franzi Majer, founder and CEO at CATCHYS GmbH, is also thrilled about receiving the award:

“Munich is by far the best and most beautiful place to found a startup and built it into a global company. I am all the more proud to have won the Munich Startup Award. Many thanks to Munich Startup for this great opportunity!”

The winner of the first Munich Startup Award in 2016 was the Munich-based smart city startup Cleverciti.

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Helen Duran

Als Redakteurin ist die Wirtschaftsgeografin Helen Duran seit 2015 für Euch in der hiesigen Gründerszene unterwegs. Sie ist neugierig auf Eure spannenden Startup-Geschichten!

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